Sunday, March 20, 2011

The development and further research on Computers was associated with the perceived need of national security during the Cold War period. Discuss, with contemporary examples some of the risks and responsibilities involved with such justifications.

This post discusses about further research on Computers which was associated with the perceived need of national security during the Cold War period and the risks and responsibilities associated during this competitive spirit between the two groups. Enhancing the knowledge on the risks and responsibilities by taking contemporary example of “Nuclear Bomb Testing”
What is cold war?
The Cold War (1947–1991), was the continuing state of political conflict, military tension, proxy wars, and economic competition existing after World War II(1939–1945) between the Communist World and the powers of the Western world. Although the primary participants' military force never officially clashed directly, they expressed the conflict through military coalitions, proxy wars, espionage, propaganda, conventional and nuclear arms races, appeals to neutral nations, rivalry at sports events, and technological competitions such as the Space Race.
Political Conditions during Cold War:
Immediately after the Second World War, there were differences between USSR and USA in splitting of Germany. During cold war the world was literally split into two, one being the predominant USA on one side and USSR on the other side. Because of Berlin Blockage, the differences between USA and USSR grew far more wider. The United States new status as a superpower, the central role of science and technology in the war effort, the massive wartime federal funding and the associated advancement of communal aims for science.
So due the division of the world into 2 major super powers there existed a need for natural security due to the “tense” differences between the 2 parties
According to Edwards “practical military objectives guided technological development down particular channels, increased its speed, and helped shape the structure of the emerging computer industry”. But the feverish technical developments of WWII weaponry generated demand for huge numbers of computations to solve ballistics and coding problems — and, because of their urgency, for unprecedented rates of speed. It was to this end that programmable, electronic digital computers, capable of dramatically faster calculation, were developed.ENIAC was constructed by the US Army Ordnance Department to automate the tedious calculation of ballistics tables
WWII-era computers produced only limited impacts on the military, since they were used simply to speed up existing processes.
But these military projects did produce local concentrations of researchers working on electronic digital techniques, and these groups persisted after the war, providing the social and organizational nucleus for future research.

Due to the cold war condition many countries started with the notion of national security. Many countries started improving their nuclear weaponry for the defense. Even developing countries like India and Pakistan started improving nuclear weaponry which led to acute tension in the world. A competition between two or more parties for the best armed forces existed during the cold war. Each party competes to produce larger numbers of weapons, greater armies, or superior military technology in a technological escalation.

Defense is the main responsibilities for the use of nuclear weapons.
Protection of these nuclear weapons from terrorist forces
Correct usage of this weaponry
People should be informed about the needs and consequences of these nuclear attacks

 After the Bombing on Hiroshima and Nagasaki there is no specific need to really highlight the risks. Everyone knows the risks of nuclear attack from other county and also the radiation caused due to the testing of nuclear weaponry

On the advent of the cold age, USA have carried about 1054 nuclear tests and UK carried about 715 nuclear tests France 210 nuclear tests UK and China 45 tests India and Pakistan 6 tests each. We can interpret the amount of radiation which will be added to the universe because of these explosions

Now UNO is taking the responsibility of checking the least usage of the nuclear weaponry and maintaining integrity of the world. But these nuclear weaponry testing is still going on. There are many risks if these nuclear weapons fall into wrong hands like terrorists who just want to create an havoc situation in a country. So there are many risks for having and testing these nuclear weaponry



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