Whirlwind was made by MIT,which is used for flight simulation.
It is an analogue computer which runs the dlight simulation.
It gives the altitude of the flight depending on the input we give.
It was widely used during the period before world war II (1940-1950).
It was of Dual use . It is used to train both military pilot and also civilian pilot.
The number increased rapidly during the world war II, to train the pilots.
The sage system was brought into action , which is derived from the whirlwind .
The prototype computer which is used in the sage computer tower is whirlwind.
The Tower consists of 4 floors ,without windows and the walls are of 6m thickness, so that they are blast resistive.
There were many parts in Sage control tower and was manufactured by IBM.
This system is used to analyse or detect any planes flying into the country .
These systems run 24x7 ,so the vacuum tubes of the computer were developed so that they dont breakdown .
But there is risk of malfunctioning of the system , if it does then there is a possibility to wage a war with other countries.
My second example is banking, during or before world war II most of the information required for the banks were stored by the humans and the accounts are also taken care by humans only.
so therefore it is ideal for computerization .
The computers can store all the data of their customers , without making any mistakes.It can handle the accounts of n number of people .
The risk in this is that ,computers can be hacked and if the security
of the servers is not good enough the money in the bank accounts can be interchanged.
As the technology increases,the risk involved in it also increases.
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